• Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

I want to know what is a khatha?? How can we know that the sale deed is correct?? And in absolute sale deed is it necessary to mention the present market value of the land??

Reported on August 23, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #34069

The word Khata is an urdu term for an Account. Every local government, such as a Municipality, keeps a record of its property tax payers, in a property list. A Khata is an entry in this record. You can read more about Khatas on our FAQs.
A sale deed is a registered document which shows that a transaction has been undergone and stamp fee has been paid in it.
The amount mentioned in the sale deed in the market value of the land, unless you are paying some unaccounted money to avoid paying tax on it, which is illegal. I would not suggest that you pay money under the table. There are always less headaches if you do something legally.

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