Greasing the Hands of Drug Licencing Authorities
Drug licencing in India is a process that certifies drug manufacturing. It is through the approval of the concerned government authorities (differs state-wise) by which pharmacists and manufacturers can sell their medicines in the market. But when the authorities that permit these licences engage in extortion by licence seekers, pharmacists in the country seem to have no choice but to proceed with their work by succumbing to the bribe demands.
A drug manufacturer from New Delhi reported an incidence that he faced because of his defiance against the unreasonable demands of the licence authority. This respondent was once given the good marketing practice certificate from an established institute that works with the Delhi government who, ironically, is now insisting the cancellation of his drug licence. This is because of his refusal to pay a bribe to continue his work. This respondent, whose sole source of income is drug manufacturing, feels disillusioned with the entire process.
Another respondent from Bellary (Karnataka) explains his monthly routine of paying bribes to the drug inspector. He collectively reports that all other medical stores around his place regularly pay bribes to the concerned inspectors
Another pharmacist from Mahesana (Gujarat) also encountered a similar incident that he recalls on our site. He says that he was asked to pay a bribe to get his licence issued. He made several rounds to the department that delayed the clearance of files. The repeated absence of the drug officer and many other excuses put forth by the department further delayed the process. Despite carrying all the required documents, the respondent was refused a licence for a long time until he decided to cough up some money to get the licence.
The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization is one such body in India established to encourage the practise of standardization and regulation of Indian medicines and also aims to encourage Indian manufacturers to promote their products. To enable government authorities to undertake this, several authorized institutes are established to work in par with the public sector to ensure country-wide supply of medicines.
It is a dismal situation with the drug licencing authorities getting corrupt, especially when they are operating in a vital life-saving area of the Health sector.