Comment Pieces

Lose/ Damage Vehicle At Your Own Risk

Posted on June 13, 2013

The inspection agent not even once came to my area to inquire about the theft, asked me to get the documents done which later on i got to know were his responsibility, and even charged me Rs 1000 to give a clearance report.

Guess who else just joined the brigade of the ‘incorrigibly corrupt servicemen’? Insurance agents might just beat passport agents and policemen if they continue their trickeries.

Insurance agents/ companies are becoming increasingly infamous due to their corrupt ways. While one agent from Bangalore, working for a reputed insurance company, demands a share of the insurance money, another agent from New Delhi skirts his responsibility along with extorting Rs.1000 to produce a clearance report.

If government employees such as passport agents or policemen justify their acts of extortion by claiming they are underpaid, should private sector employees to use the same excuse in their defence?