Comment Pieces

Shades of Khaki

Posted on August 01, 2013

"There was nobody around the truck to see the havaldar accept the bribe (I saw the entire scenario from above the W.E. Highway), the havaldar did not accept it, although he could have accepted it and no body would be aware..."

Policemen in India are synonymous with dishonesty. Reports posted on our website are substantial testimony to how the force functions. But as it turns out, not every policemen is a rotten egg. It is surprising, yet quite refreshing to hear instances of police officers who are above board. Here is one such story of an honest policeman who helps re-instil common man’s lost trust in our forces. A traffic policemen prefers to punish a violator instead of accepting a petty bribe, even though there wasn’t a crowd to witness his ‘deed’, reports a traveller who bore witness to this incident.

We hope to meet more of these upright policemen in the forces who shall one day help erase the infamy begotten by their corrupt counterparts.