Comment Pieces

Finding the cure

Posted on September 07, 2011

TR Raghunandan shares with us some startling facts about land titling in India, its historical ancestry and suggests measures to address the same.

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The Third Eye

Posted on September 07, 2011

While the National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI), led by Aruna Roy in the past had expressed its dissent with regards to… Read more

Godly Graft

Posted on September 07, 2011

Noted columnist Jug Suraiya looks at corruption within the religious sphere, wherein he expresses his opinion on the offerings that one makes to God.… Read more

Jan Lokpal Bill and the Parliament

Posted on September 07, 2011

A new question that has surfaced with regards to the Jan Lokpal Bill is whether the Bill is within the legislative competence of the Parliament? Noted… Read more

Middle Class: The engine to a country's growth

Posted on September 07, 2011

The recent anti-corruption crusade witnessed a significant chunk of the society actively participating in the demand for a strong Lokpal Bill. … Read more

Lokpal: Is it an end to Corruption in India?

Posted on September 06, 2011

Stressing on the need for a Bribery Act on the lines of the one implemented by the United Kingdom, Deepak Parekh, Chairman, HDFC looks at how the… Read more

Household democracy

Posted on September 06, 2011

Jug Suraiya gives us an interesting insight on Indian democracy. Highlighting the need for effective monitoring and electoral reforms, he analyses… Read more

A tale of two movements

Posted on September 06, 2011

The campaign for the Jan Lokpal Bill has been quoted by many as a second freedom struggle and has often been compared with the Navanirman movement… Read more

Dynastic Democracy: breeding ground for corruption?

Posted on September 05, 2011

Noted columnist Tavleen Singh questions and challenges an important factor in the corruption debate, the role of dynastic democracy in perpetuating… Read more

The Lokpal and the CBI

Posted on September 05, 2011

Dr. R.K.Raghavan former director of the Central Bureau of Investigation explores the option of fusing the Central Bureau of Investigation with the… Read more