Comment Pieces

Lokpal Bill: Corruption and the spirit of the new ********** Hazare movement

Posted on August 19, 2011

August 16, 2011 witnessed the entire nation out on the streets again in support of Anna Hazare’s anti-corruption protest. Noted academician… Read more

From soldier to saviour: India's Hazare another **********?

Posted on August 19, 2011

With Anna Hazare emerging as the face of the new anti-corruption movement in India, Kevin Voigt of CNN explores the popular sentiments and support… Read more

Reign of the Tin Men

Posted on August 19, 2011

While Anna Hazare’s detention and arrest has generated a lot of debate around constitutional rights, freedom of expressing dissent and other related… Read more

The media hits back at the government !

Posted on August 18, 2011

Lack of a strategic gameplan landed the government in a soup with every section of society hitting back at them. Even the fourth estate did not spare… Read more

All in a day's work : A Bribefighter's diary

Posted on August 17, 2011

This extract from my diary is a true account. Names have been changed, as has the location of the crime.

29 July 11, 5:30 PM:Read more

What Team ********** really wants out of August 16

Posted on August 17, 2011

Shoma Chaudhury, Managing Editor, Tehelka magazine takes a look at what  Team Anna is demanding this time around - a core issue which has been lost… Read more

********** agitation: What next? Whiff of fight for poll reform

Posted on August 17, 2011

Electoral Reforms:  The base from where to fight corruption It is a known fact that both muscle and money power dominate the electoral scene in India.… Read more

Corruption on top of global CFO agenda

Posted on August 17, 2011

Corruption is a top concern for Global CFOs With awareness and activism around corruption increasing, even MNCs and Global investors are now seeking… Read more

REVEALED: How the govt did everything to stop **********

Posted on August 17, 2011

The Bhushans who are the legal advisors to Anna Hazare assert that Anna’s arrest can surely be challenged in the court. Quoting two landmark… Read more

Why ********** Hazare should enter electoral politics, not be an outsider

Posted on August 17, 2011

Time for Anna Hazare to step into the system… The upsurge of popular sentiments and people from every corner of the country storming out in solidarity… Read more