• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

TDS Returns

Reported on April 27, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #8946

I was aghast to find out that tax returns on TDS certificates incurs an unofficial bribe of 10% payable to the clergy who clear the payments. My Tax Returns have been taken a year and a half to be cleared, I had to pursue it actively to ensure that I receive my rightful returns. But when it has finally cleared I had to pay 10% of the amount due to the officials, or else they threaten to further delay the process. This is apparently how it works. This is blatant blackmail, at a mass level, and involves crores of tax payers money. If the government cannot ensure transparent processes, how does it have the right to take our money in the first place?

What is your reaction after reading this report?