• साहसी नागरिक
  • 10 years ago
  • 2958 दर्शनों की संख्या

This was first time that i was going to make something for myself,…

Reported on July 12, 2014 from Bongaigaon , Assam  ι Report #40314

This was first time that i was going to make something for myself, yes my driving licence. Bongaigaon dist. transport office, its was always famous for its corrupt systen n its bribe seeking employes. Lot of middle men are engaged in this unlawfull system who worked on commission basis. They ask 4000 to 5000 Rs for making a driving licence from common people,irony is that they roam freely in the office premises and no one gives a damn. I was excited about my first office work, my dad asked me to take help from a middleman because he was well aware of the harsh situation there.But i refused as I was motivated enough to done the work legally by going through all the required procedure without paying a single Rupee as bribe. I collected my learners licence after submitting all the required information. It was a nice experiance n everything was going with a ease. Nobody asked for anything n i was happy with the work system. But real trouble came when i went again after 5 months for my proper driving licence. I keep submiting my information as they wanted and asked. I have to visit the office like everyday for whole week. Someday they just refused to processs my work, sorry we are have lots of work to do please come next day etc. I set in a proper interview taken by the authority, they asked me to ride my scooty infront of them as a practical exam, these all are rear scene in the office as everyone opt for middleman for the work instead of going through these exams and all those trouble for not paying bribe. I have completed and submitted everything as they asked from me. On final day when my license need just a final stamp from the head cleark, he asked me to come next day to collect it and dirctly told me '"give this man (middleman) Rs 500 we have helped a lot in your work". I protested instantly, how did you helped me in my work ?? You people get monthly package from Govt to carry on this work only. So why should i paid you ?? He replied angrily everybody give us something here for helping them, if u don't give us your work won't proceed further. I said okay and went directly to the DTO, explained the situation to him, he said no need to pay anything to anyone. Your work will be done without any payment. I was happy with his response. Next day when i came back for my license i faced a horrible situation, The clerk wasn't ready to talk with me. He keep telling me to come after 1 hour 2 hour even i can clearly see him that he is doing nothing. I stayed there firmly from 10AM to 3 PM, than at last called me to collect my licence. Surprisingly now he comes out with a different objection. I'm not going to approved your license because there is no proper police verification. I told him that i have submitted a 'No Objection' certificate from local police station i.e North Salmara. He refused to accept that and asked me to collect No Objection certificate directly from the District SP. Everyone even my friend collected the DL submiting same police report only, but in my case it was not valid as i didn't paid a huge sum money as bribe to them unlike others. Next day i had to return to Guwahati as my college was reopening after break. I give up the thought of getting the DL, there wasn't any time and most importantly i was mentaly broken seeing such horribel corrupt system and people in our sociey. It was my first adventure in our well known corrupt system and it ended bitterly as my dad forcasted earlier. After 1 year of that incident i'm still without a DL. There is a nexus of corrupt officials from top to bottom and middleman who are looting the common man in the name helping in completing their work.This has to be stopped by any means, simple paper work which can be completed using maximum of Rs 300, these corrupt persons are collecting 4 to 5 thousand from each person illegaly. This is District Transport Office where not less than 500 people comes daily to complete their work and everybody is bound to pay bribe. Just give a thought on black money earned by these corrupt officials, this is insane.

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