• साहसी नागरिक
  • 13 years ago
  • 2015 दर्शनों की संख्या

Paid more so that police guy won't pocket it.

Reported on March 2, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32523

I was randomly stopped near Koramangala once. I was asked to show all the papers. Unfortunately, I didn't remember that my insurance had expired a couple of weeks ago and the traffic policeman noticed it and said I have to pay a fine of Rs. 300. I asked him what he will do if I paid the 300. He looked at me a moment and said that I looked like a nice guy so I can pay just Rs. 150 and he will let me go. Or else I will have to pay twice the amount and sign a receipt and all that. I said I will sign the receipt and pay the 300. Then he had no choice but to show me the booklet and he filled it up with the traffic offense details and signed it. I put my signature. He gave me the counterfoil and I paid him Rs. 300. At least it didn't go into his pocket. Maybe a higher official took away this money. Who knows?

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