• साहसी नागरिक
  • 12 years ago
  • 2023 दर्शनों की संख्या

Sometimes it pays to show patience !

Reported on March 12, 2012 from Gurgaon , Haryana  ι Report #31350

Noticing my car's regd no being a outside no, a traffic constable once stopped me near a busy junction. He then started enquiring whether I was using cell phone while driving. When he did not see any cell phone on my hand, he demanded to see all the documents. As all my documents were ok except that I was not carrying a polution certificate, he started telling me that I need to carry a certificate. I had to do a lot of convincing. When finally he realised that I was not going to play into his tricks, he gave up. Of course, the next day I got a polution certificate issued.

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