• हॉटलाइन
  • 14 years ago
  • 2439 दर्शनों की संख्या

Hi Sometimes the traffic policeman threatens to seize the vehicle saying that we have jumped signals and are driving dangerously. Can you tell us under wat circumstances can he seize my vehicle? an

Reported on September 27, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33998

It is possible that the traffic policemen can seize a vehicle if it is driving dangerously. The best way to avoid this is to drive safely, to be ultracautious and not jump signals, overspeed or switch lanes without warning. If case you are caught in an unjustified manner, please carry the motor vehicles act with you and be conversant of the sections under which you can be fined. You must insist upon paying the fine and not settle for a bribe, even if the payment may be lower. I have attached a table containing the fines payable for different offences.</p>
<strong>Offence related to Documents</strong></p>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" style="width: 95%;" width="95%">
Maximum Penalty</p>
To drive a vehicle without license.</p>
M.V.Act. 181</p>
Rs. 300/- for two, three &amp; four wheelers.</p>
Rs. 500/- for six wheelers.</p>
Driving a vehicle without registration</p>
M.V.Act.192 (1)</p>
Rs. 1000/- for two, three &amp; four wheelers,</p>
Rs. 2000/- for six wheelers.</p>
Driving a vehicle without permit</p>
M.V.Act. 192 (A)</p>
Court or RTA.</p>
Driving a vehicle without insurance</p>
Rs. 300/- for two, three &amp; four wheelers,</p>
Rs. 600/- for six wheeler.</p>
Driving vehicle at less than prescribed age</p>
Rs. 300/- for two, three &amp; four wheelers.</p>
Rs. 500/- for six wheelers.</p>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" style="width: 95%;" width="95%">
<td style="width: 194px;">
To drive a vehicle without license.</p>
M.V.Act. 181</p>
<td style="width: 273px;">
Rs. 300/- for two, three &amp; four wheelers.</p>
Rs. 500/- for six wheelers.</p>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" style="width: 95%;" width="95%">
Violation of traffic signal</p>
Sec 199/177 of M.V.Act</p>
Rs. 50 to Rs. 200/- for two/three wheelers.</p>
Rs. 100/- to Rs. 200/- for four/six wheelers</p>
<a href="http://www.htp.gov.in/MV-Act.html" target="_blank"><strong>Offences related to driving</strong></a></p>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" style="width: 95%;" width="95%">
Maximum Penalty</p>
Violation of No entry</p>
Sec 177 of M.V.Act.</p>
Rs. 50/- to Rs. 200/- for two / three wheelers.</p>
Rs. 100 to Rs. 200/- for four/six wheelers.</p>
Violation of One way</p>
Sec 177 of M.V.Act.</p>
Rs. 50/- to Rs. 200/- for two / three wheelers.</p>
Rs. 100 to Rs. 200/- for four/six wheelers.</p>
Violation of U turn</p>
Sec 177 of M.V.Act.</p>
Rs. 50/- to Rs. 200/- for two / three wheelers.</p>
Rs. 100 to Rs. 200/- for four/six wheelers.</p>
Offences pertaining to Violation of prohibited area</p>
Sec 177 of M.V.Act.</p>
Rs. 50/- to Rs. 200/- for two / three wheelers.</p>
Rs. 100 to Rs. 200/- for four/six wheelers.</p>
Violation of Rules duly promulgated</p>
Sec 177 of M.V.Act.</p>
Rs. 50/- to Rs. 200/- for two / three wheelers.</p>
Rs. 100 to Rs. 200/- for four/six wheelers.</p>
To drive a vehicle dangerously at high speed, rash &amp; negligent driving.</p>
M.V.Act 184 (b)</p>
Rs. 200 for two/three wheelers.</p>
Rs. 300 for four/six wheelers.</p>
To drive a vehicle dangerously posing a threat to lives of other people.</p>
M.V.Act 184 (b)</p>
Rs. 200 for two/three wheelers.</p>
Rs. 300 for four/six wheelers.</p>
To drive a vehicle dangerously posing a threat to lives of other people.</p>
279 IPC</p>
To travel on footboard.</p>
M.V.Act 123(ii)</p>
RTC Mobile Court OR RTA, fine from Rs. 50/- to Rs. 200/-</p>
Vehicle driven by mentally and physicall challenged people.</p>
M.V.Act 186</p>
Rs. 200/-</p>
To run away after committing an accident</p>
M.V.Act 187</p>
To drive and use an unsafe vehicle</p>
M.V.Act 190(i)</p>
To pose a hazard to traffic by using dilapidated vehicles.</p>
41(i) Hyderabad City Police Act</p>
Traffic crane lifting charges for two/three wheelers Rs. 150/-, four wheeler Rs. 200/- and Six wheelers Rs. 300/- to 600/-</p>
Regarding wearing of helmet</p>
M.V.Act 129/177</p>
Rs. 100/-</p>
To drive overweight vehicle</p>
M.V.Act. 194</p>
Collecting by RTA@ Rs. 1000/- per ton or court.</p>
To take away vehicle without permission</p>
M.V.Act 197</p>
RTO takes action on permit condition (check report)</p>
Unauthorized interference regarding motor vehicle</p>
M.V.Act 198</p>
Rs. 100/- by RTA.</p>
To allow/permit an unauthorized person to drive a vehicle</p>
M.V.Act 180</p>
Rs. 500/- for two, three &amp; four wheelers.</p>
Rs. 1000/- for six wheelers.</p>
<a href="http://www.htp.gov.in/MV-Act.html" target="_blank">http://www.htp.gov.in/MV-Act.html</a><br />
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However in the Bangalore Traffic Police website the following has been mentioned, what seems like a flat 500 Rs. fine<br />
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<strong>Section 181:</strong> Driving without valid and proper driving licence can result in imprisonment upto 3 months or fine upto Rs. 500/- or both<br />
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