• हॉटलाइन
  • 12 years ago
  • 2303 दर्शनों की संख्या

Online appointment or a facade for bribe?!!

Reported on July 27, 2012 from Mangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33509

The online system of appointment to the PSK online is fantastic and seems to work so fine! But I am ashamed to say, the appointment system is a big charade. I tried almost a week to book an appointment online believing it to be authentic. The booking opens exactly at 6.00 pm and closes exactly at 6.01 pm. I was twice lucky to grab a time slot but before I could book, it was alloted to someone else.
There are the so called agents who claim to get us the appointment for the next day asking for Rs. 3,500. Of course after being tired of trying to get an appointment on my own, I will go to the 'agent' and pay him the 'charges' part of which he assured me goes to the officials' pockets.
So what ever anti bribe steps the govt. takes, these people find a way out.....and not be caught too!!
The question now is what will we do about it!!!

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