• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 12 years ago
  • 3139 दर्शनों की संख्या

Bribe for issuing medical certificate for physically challenged person @ Government Rehabilitation hospital, K. K. Nagar, Chennai

Reported on September 22, 2012 from Chennai , Tamil Nadu  ι Report #809

My friend had to pay the bribe. She is orthopedically handicapped on both legs and can't walk without escorts on either side. That much is the difficulty for her to commute. After struggle, she got a government job and had to get medical certificate to avail tax exemption for professional tax. She approached Government Rehabilitation hospital (opposite ESI) @ K.K.Nagar, Chennai and fixed an appointment for the day.

Reaches well in advance (by 8:30 A.M), but doctor walks in by 11 A.M. Her time arrives and doctor inspects her to give certificate. But, without any empathy, asks her to come next week: though doctor at these hospitals understand the ordeal task of making these physically handicapped go through this laborious process, once again. Doctor didn't even relent, even after explaining her difficulty in walking et al. Doctor herself had reported late at work, but was first to say that time got over for the day.

As if this is not enough, peon (Mr. Gangadhar and team) there approached us and said he has a very nice doctor who is much obliging. In his language, we may have to pay FEES for that. FEES is nothing other than bribe of Rs. 800 per certificate. Then, physically handicapped woman approached the nearby hospital and paid Rs. 500. Finally, she got her certificate too, but paying the bribe even though she didn't like to.

Where is India leading to, if this is prevalent for such severely handicapped people too.

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