• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 14 years ago
  • 1114 दर्शनों की संख्या

Easy police verification with Rs 200

Reported on November 4, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #30055

I applied my passport in Jun 2009 and after a long wait I received my passport.

Interestingly I received a phone call from HSR poice station for verification and I was asked to go to police station with spesific details. When I reached there he suggested I should have come earlier to check for verification. When I said that how I will know about it , he told once you apply passport you are suppose to visit police station:) . Finally he aske me for service charge in the open office. I didn't want ask him the reason and brought trouble for self ( as heard from others)I gave a Rs100 note. Than he told me two people would have visited my place , so I should pay Rs 200. Shamlaessly he was bargaining in front of a foreign national who came there for some verification.

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