• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 11 years ago
  • 876 दर्शनों की संख्या

I was travelling with my friend behind me on my Honda Activa, dropping…

Reported on May 27, 2014 from Ahmedabad , Gujarat  ι Report #41167

I was travelling with my friend behind me on my Honda Activa, dropping him to the Kalupur Railway Station. I had a licence but I did not have a P.U.C. or the R.C. Papers on me. I was stopped by the subordinate constable who asked me for the aforementioned documents. He asked me directly, "you don't have the PUC and the RC book, how much do you want to settle for?" I replied whatever the law says, and foolishly gave him a 500-rupee note from my wallet. He realized that I did not want to bribe him and hence called his superior Mr. Ashokkumar to attend to me. He told me that as I didn't have these two documents, my licence and vehicle will be confiscated and I will have have to go to the R.T.O. and release them by paying Rs. 1600. I explained to him that I needed to drop my friend, but he should take the necessary fine and explain to me under what clause of what Act he is charging the said amount. He got worked up, and threatened to confiscate my vehicle unless I "settled" with him. He took the penalty book and wrote my details, and wrote "Rs. 50". I thought he had pardoned me and let me off with a mild warning, and hence I did not bother to ask him under which section the 50 rupees were being charged. To my horror, he gave me only Rs. 350 change, instead of Rs. 450 (I had given the 500 Rs note at the very beginning) I confronted him asking for the remaining Rs. 100. He told me roughly to buzz off, saying that "this is the cost one has to pay if one wants to get away with a warning". Thus, in spite of my NOT wanting to bribe him, he has stolen the Rs. 100.

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