• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 14 years ago
  • 666 दर्शनों की संख्या

Have to shell out 900 Rs for a work which should officially cost 15 Rs:(

Reported on January 28, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #28726

Being a resident of Karnataka state since birth (for 25 years), I thought it should never be a problem to get Domicile (or Residence) certificate.
But I was proved totally wrong by corrupt officials!

When I went to submit my application with all the necessary documents that were required, the official straight away rejected to accept my application.
Reason: I have to submit is some center which is far away from this place!
When I cross checked with the brokers, they said it can be done their only, but it won’t happen if we do not pay a bribe/go through brokers!

When I cross verified with another official, the answer was – “Go and give the application to a broker outside, else the officials will make you roam around like hell!”
When I again went to submit the application to the first official, the answer is “time up for the day, come tomorrow!”. But, he was still collecting the application from brokers!

At the end when I was so frustrated and was about to leave, one official was asking another openly by checking on his computer – “You have received 150+ applications today and you are telling that you don’t have money!!!!!” WT_

Finally due to time constraints, had to go through a broker and shell out 900 rupees. I can still envision the hoarding in front of the office saying “Domicile certificate – 15 Rupees”!!!! :(

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