• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 10 years ago
  • 955 दर्शनों की संख्या

I paid Bribe for Birth certificate of my daughter

Reported on December 9, 2014 from Ahmedabad , Gujarat  ι Report #47999

AMC regional office - Gota-Ahmedabad.

She gave me Birth certificate in regional language freee of cost, I asked for in English language, she said ok, come after 15 days, I will call you on that time.

she called me after 15 days and asked for 700 rupees, I emailed to Head office of Muncipal Corporation - officer said its 50 ruppes charge for english - it official charge.

I Visited to local office, and gave to her 400 rupees , she said i called you and asked for 700 still u r giving me 400. i said i dont have more money.

In addition to this.

During preparation of birth certificate, one lady was not bothered about permanent address of parents.

In Permanent Address Section, She writes herself “same as above”, That time I said Permanent Address is different form current address, she said not a big issue, leave it, nobody will see the permanent address in birth certificate in future and its not important.

Now I again asked her to change the Permanent Address, now she is saying that, Now it is not possible – you should say earlier - “Pahele batana chahiye than na”

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