• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 10 years ago
  • 989 दर्शनों की संख्या

I Paid a Bribe to recover the stolen Auto Rickshaw of my Brother-in-law

Reported on December 9, 2014 from Ahmedabad , Gujarat  ι Report #47991

I live in Ahmedabad and I am a Software Engineer by profession.
In the last month, in one of the area of Ahmedabad, called Vatva, my brother-in-law's auto rickshaw was stolen. They went to nearest police station and requested to file an FIR for this. The concerned person there told that the FIR could not be filed because still 24 hours have not been passed. During this period of time, we got an information from some of our relative that our auto rickshaw is at Khokhra area of Ahmedabad in the police station.
We went there with all our documents of the vehicle but the Head Constable (D-Staff) there did not treat us the way we should be. He made wasteful excuses and almost 20 days passed.
Finally when we tried to make his conversation with other PSI and government officers, he agreed to relieve our auto rickshaw on behalf of Rs 1500.
The name of that Constable is "Malya" at Khokhra Police Station Ahmedabad

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