• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 12 years ago
  • 1114 दर्शनों की संख्या

I will not bribe ITOs for refund

Reported on February 27, 2013 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #34362

GOI owes me atlest 50K as tax refunds. I keep getting completely fake demand notices from Bangalore ITO. I reply to them but I keep getting repeat notices after a couple of years again. I have had to deal with fairly high level officers but all of them are going against priciples of natural justice. To give an example of how badly perpared these notices are, I got a letter dated 21 Feb 2073 (not 21 Feb 2013) in which I have been asked to pay dues for AY 2005, 2008 and 2011. There is no such thing as AY 2005 since FY and AY are not calendar years. The demands in this letter are all fake. I strongly suspect that there is a desparate attempt to get a bribe from me but I refuse to pay the bribe. I would let GOI keep my money.
PS: I could not enter amount of bribe as 0 so I am entering it as 1
Kavi Rama Murthy
290, 1st B Croos
Vijaynagar II Stage
Bangalore 560040

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