• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 13 years ago
  • 435 दर्शनों की संख्या

Illegal tenant, refusing to evacuate nor paying any rental

Reported on June 11, 2011 from Pune , Maharashtra  ι Report #7582

My dad rented out our flat to this family, from a so-called "good family" . They paid rent for the first month , then started making excuses. Tried legal way, this individual would make deals with my lawyers . Lawyers advised that legal process will take years,inspite of the new laws that are supposedly meant to favor flatowners. We changed 2-3 lawyers but couldn't get anywhere. He also seemed to have connections locally , and knew in advance about the legal steps we were comtemplating , and he said he knew enough of the law to keep this dragging over a long period of time .We also learnt that this individual and his family has been doing the same for more than 10years, where he would not pay rent and then evacuate finally after more than a year after taking money from the flatowner. This person has two young daughters going to college/starting a new job and wife is a teacher .
My dad lived in Mumbai and close to 80years old , I am out of country and we were unable to get results. Approached police, were told this is a civil matter.We tried to talk them into leaving , however they had no intent on doing so.
Finally got this resolved by contacting the local political party office, who worked with the local police inspector. After paying the money, they summoned the fellow to the local police station and he evacuated within a week's time.
They stayed 2 years almost , free of cost and causing enormous mental distress to my parents, besides the physical exertions of several trips my parents had to do from Mumbai-Pune, and loss of rental income. Financially we lost I think close to 4lac rupees.
As for that family , I'm sure they've happily moved on to their next victim , without any remorse or fear of any punishment.
In the country where i reside, if you have a legal agreement and have ownership proof , the police will at least throw the illegal occupier out immediately. My dad says the police inspector knew this person and mentioned there are at least 2-3 cases against him , but for all practical purposes he's least bothered and free to carry on with his fraudulent act.

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