- मैंने रिश्वत दी
- 12 years ago
- 6549 दर्शनों की संख्या
Illigal noc of petrol pump
- Municipal Services
- Building Construction Approval
- Paid INR 1,00,000
Sub- Illegal NOC of Petrol Pump issued by Various Departments.
Respected sir,
Respectfully, it is brought to your kind notice that the Proposed ********** Corporation Ltd., Petrol Pump at State Highway Harike to Khalra Road on nearby Location BOORCHAND, Tehsill Patti, District TaraTaran, State Punjab, having named S. ********** ********** who is using his power and political link to get the NOC from various departments. He has given the bribe to many of the officers to various departments to get the Petrol Pump NOC.
This is to inform you that the NOC has been given by various departments such as PWD, Forest Depts., DTP and Local Authorities without even visiting the location. The proposed sites of the petrol pump with in the 500 meters on same side of the existing petrol pump which is against the ‘MORTH NORMS’ and against the new petrol pump policies. The proposed site is very near to the workship land (GURUDWARA) which is very harmful for the people visiting the Gurudwara. There is a metal road with in the 300 meters of proposed petrol pump which is also very much against is IRC guidelines. The proposed petrol pump is very near by the existing Brick Factory which is very much against of the explosives rules. There are unnecessary cuttings the trees without any permission of forest departments.
The abnormalities have been mentioned above. Please take a strict step to avoid this type of petrol pump commissioning in future. The construction work of above said site is already continuing also after submitting the complaints to various departments though registered post in June-2012 and also in july-2012. Till date no any action has been taken to cancel the NOC of above said petrol pump. So please take very stringent step to void this in future and kindly take a necessary action to cancel the NOC of above said petrol pump to void any misshapen.
Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
******** **********,
H. No. 1543, Cheharatta,
Amritsar, Punjab.
CC: To CVO, HPCL, Mumbai.
CC: To CVO, Manakalaya, New Delhi.
CC: To PM Office, New Delhi.
CC: To Director, CBI, New Delhi.
CC: To Forest Dept., Mohali, Punjab.
CC: To Explosives Dept., Chandigarh.
CC: To Dy. Commissioner, Tarantaaran, Punjab.
All CC send By Registered Post