• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 8 years ago
  • 6387 दर्शनों की संख्या

My mother paying bribe often for property related document legal conversions

Reported on February 3, 2017 from Kodagu , Karnataka  ι Report #150392

Dear Sir/madam,
Please find the following details who is supposed to be a corrupt government official in Ponnampet revenue office:

Name of the officer:Ramesh Pawar
Date of Incident: Mutiple times overa period of 2 years
Time of incident:Workinh hours at office
Location:Ponnampet Village Revenue office
Designation of the: Village Accountant

My parents own coffee estate in coorg some ancestral land and some bought by my day. My dad expired in Febrauary 2012. After that my mom is legally trying to get all the owned property in her name. Its been nearly 4 years, this governemnt officer demand bribe for each and everything. Avtually we dont have account of the bribe paid to him. Even if you require a photocopy of any document for sake of some agriculture subsidy application he demnds Rs 500 blindly. He does this openly in the foocie and to everybody who comes to the office. If at all you dont pay him he makes sure their papers go missing.
My mother had even complained to Nagarika hitha rakshaka sangha in Virajpet and those people warned him. this made the matter more worst, he vanished all the legal applications and put all the procedures under hold.
He even goes to an extent where he calls a person, if we require any signature from that person, and informs him about the need and insists them to take money from us say a lakh or so and pay 50 percent to him. He also provokes some related property people to apply objection on our proceedings and if that has to rectified again, he asks us to pay bribe.
On the whole I can say he is like a monster corrupt official like we see in movies.
I work ina reputed Software MNC in Bangalore still feel very helpless in such situations.
Not only we but all of Ponnampet, kodagu people will be grateful if this Village accountant is punished. Looking forward for a postive response and action from your side
Thank you.

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