• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 14 years ago
  • 776 दर्शनों की संख्या

NO Bribe No Khatha Transfer, Does not matter even if the BBMP does not receive its taxes!!!

Reported on December 30, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #29026

I purchased a site in 1993 and wanted a transfer the khatha to my name. One of the sheristhidars promised that he would get it done genuinely without payment of any bribe. But he was himself unable to do it even after my runing behind him any no of times almost for one full year. In the meantime, I got transferred out of Bangalore officially and I resigned from Vikramarka's Trials. Even today, the Khatha of the site I have purchased stands in the seller's name only. I am unable to pay even the taxes though I am willing to pay whaterver legitimate penalty I ********** have to pay for my misadventure of refusing to bribe. It is simply a cakewalk as I have seen for all those who are willing o pay the BRIBE. BBMP is unable to collect taxes even from the registred owenrs where they are influential or bribe for deferring any action. But now hey are proposing to garner illegal taxes namely Akarama-Sakrama to continue encouraging such irregularities.

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