• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 9 years ago
  • 2482 दर्शनों की संख्या

No way of getting out of this :(

Reported on October 31, 2015 from New Delhi , Delhi  ι Report #81259

We are a small manufacturer, making our goods with self-help groups in a village in the north of India.

Lately, we wanted to sell online and for that needed to register for a Delhi VAT no, all formalities were completed, paperwork submitted, and the final step...the inspection, the officer assigned was also deputed to the anti-corruption bureau.

Come inspection, the officer was coming up with ludicrous excuses, we gave a call to the CA, he asked us to put 2000 Rs in an envelope and give it to him. The officer opened it and said this is to your f***ing village, this is Delhi, then on the calculator app on his phone typed '10000'.

And thats what we did, am ashamed, but if the ant-corruption guys are this corrupt, what hope remains for the rest?

What's your reaction?