• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 14 years ago
  • 502 दर्शनों की संख्या

Paid 2500 Rs to an officer in BDA office

Reported on March 2, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #28225

I visited the BDA office to change the Khatha in my name, post a sale. Out of thin air, one guy appeared who seemed in the beginning at least, as a big help to me. Later I realized that he himself is an officer there and told me blindly this.

"If you give me 2.5K , you will get the things done in one week. Otherwise also it will be done , but in its due course".

I was afraid of it being unnecessarily delayed and paid 2500 Rs ,which was his demand.

After things were done , had to pay two peons also around 50 each.

I have paid 50s 100s more than at-least 5 times to police in Bangalore !!

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