• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 14 years ago
  • 346 दर्शनों की संख्या

Police officers: Respect/Disrespect

Reported on March 9, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #27071

I (female) wanted to get my passport verification done so the process is that the local police has to send the report to the crime branch...so the local police comes does all his formality and send the report. Here the police officer was good to me he did not give me any excuses.

Now, my dad had to get his passport verified, I went along with him to the police station to see how far has the report reached....we sit with 2 police officers and gave them the details to find the file....police officer winks at my dad which meant I had to go out and wait....he comes out after sometime and says they asked for money. Firstly thank God they are still ashamed to to ask for bribe in front of a girl....however the story doesnt end here........after a couple of days we still dont get our letter.....so dad goes again and again he had to bribe him.........this is just ridiculous.........more than they feeling ashamed of taking bribe........I feel ashamed that to have such OFFICERS............I dont think such people deserve to be respected...........

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