• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 13 years ago
  • 1646 दर्शनों की संख्या

Refund cheque returned undelivered by the postal department

Reported on August 10, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #6122

My Refund cheque was returned undelivered by the postal department as i was not available to them when they Came to my Home.

So My Friends advised me to go to HMT Bhavan,Bangalore where our Income Tax Office is located.

I went & enquired regarding this issue so one clerk/Attender asked some Official Over there & he told yes cheque has been returned undelivered.So you give a written Letter stating your Problem & we shall resend it again.
But When i went to submit the letter the clerk/Attender asked me to wait for half an hour as he was busy Collecting bribe from some Brokers who had bundles of I.T return applications.

He was giving Acknowledgement & Collecting Cash(BRIBE).

After a while i went to Submit the letter again,At this point of time He asked me "How much are you willing to pay for your Cheque"?
So i asked him Why I should give any cash.
He told me that if i were not to shell out 10% amount of my Refund amount(i.e Rs.7500),He wont process my Application.

The Treatment meted out was ********** & rude.

So i took an acknowledgement & went out.

I was tensed & i was about to Approach Commissioner,Appeals but suddenly when i turned back this Guy is r8 there.
He again tried to persuade me in many ways but i was unrelenting so he told atleast give some 500Rs,then Rs.200 and i was totally Confused.Seeing him & Considering him as a Corporate Beggar.I gave him Rs.1oo & Went on my way...

Lets See what will Happen.He had fear on his face.Lets Hope he will finish my job or else I might have to approach someone in Top Brass regarding this issue.

My Only Question is why should i pay a single paisa of my hard earned money to these buggers/beggars.

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