• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 14 years ago
  • 561 दर्शनों की संख्या

Rs. 8000/- Just for a Khatha transfer!!!

Reported on February 17, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #28455

I love this site. Thanks

Ok, over to my story. I had to get my property completely transfered to my name and the Khata transfer was the last of the documents pending. Choronology of events:
1. My house to BBMP by my motorcycle : Rs. 30 approx
2. Application form : Rs.20
3. All is well so far
4. Stamp paper, typing charges,blah blue : Rs.350
5. I really didnt mind so far
6. The officer confirms receipt of the documents and said a revenue officer will call : Rs. 0 (Their job)
7. The Revenue officer actually calls after a week : Now that is priceless
8. Comes home and has a cup of coffee : Rs.5 abouts (I really didnt mind giving him a bucket of coffee in lieu of the certificate)
9. He explicitly says, Rs.8000 for the cert.
10. Me and fighting with the system, just cant coz.... I cant.
11. No choice, paid the dough, got the certificate, I am happy I got the certificate, but very upset the way I got it.

The End.

PS: Should I give out names and numbers?? I guess not, as I was about to submit, I got a pop which says it is about changing the process and not targeting the individuals. I think we should target those corrupt fat pigs who take bribes.

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