
Cuba retrieves second black box of crashed plane

Posted on May 25, 2018 from Cuba ι Report #199332

Havana, May 25 (IANS) Cuban authorities have retrieved the second black box containing flight data of the Boeing 737-200 plane that crashed near the Havana international airport on May 18.

The discovery of the box on Thursday was done by the experts' analyses of videos shot around the crash site, recollections of witnesses and nearby residents, as well as an investigation into the local topography, Xinhua news agency reported quoting the President of Cuba's Institute of Civil Aviation and Aeronautics.

According to the official, the US and Mexican specialists working to support the investigation also helped identify the data recorder.

The first black box, the voice recorder, was retrieved several days ago.

The passenger plane belonged to the Mexican company Damojh and was on lease to Cuba's Cubana de Aviacion airlines.

The plane was carrying 113 people on board out of which 111 died.

