• Bribe Fighter
  • 10 years ago

I had applied for Rifle training in Karnataka State Rifle Association…

Reported on May 9, 2014 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #40888

I had applied for Rifle training in Karnataka State Rifle Association and they forwarded a letter to Malleshwaram police station for a verification. I got a call after a week from the police station to come with the diocuments which I did. The verification was done by a lady constable and went on smoothly. After she got it signed by the police sub inspector , she asked me for her fees and I promptly replied that I dont have. She asked me to atleast get me a pack of A4 sheets from the nearby shop which i denied. She finally told me to call her in the evening so that she can come to my house for the verification(which was not required) and indirectly she was threatening that she will not be forwarding the application without her "fees". I never called her up and therefore my desire to undergo rifle training were killed in the 1st phase itself.

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