• Bribe Fighter
  • 11 years ago

Bribe for octroi tax

Reported on January 31, 2014 from Pune , Maharashtra  ι Report #39241

I bought a new TV from Pune (the shop was actually just outside PMC which I was unaware of, neither the shopkeeper told me anything about it). While coming back home I was intercepted by some people in a van posing them as Octroi officers. I was totally unaware of Octroi tax and initially they demanded 11 times the amount of actual tax as penalty amounting to somewhat around 9k. As I resisted, they asked me to get inside the van to negotiate and demanded to settle at 3k. I refused and was adamant, after around 2 hours of harassment, the senior official took me to the Octroi collection office and collected the actual tax amounting to 800 rupees.

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