• Bribe Fighter
  • 13 years ago

Came to india after 3years n 3months-waited for more than 1 hrs at airport but did not gave bribe.

Reported on August 20, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #31631

I came to india after 3.5 years from australia, landed on mumbai airport. I had an XBOX which i owned for more than 1 year back in australia. The costumes didnt knw what was it but they jst caught me saying its an electronic item.
The officer tried to harras me and i repeatedly made my stance clear that it was an old equipment and its for my personal use.I also showed him the purchase receipt but he wanted me to pay 3-4 thousand rupees.
I said wont pay a dime if u want plz destroy the xbox360, but he said we wont destroy however they will keep it and if i changed my mind and agree to pay the bribe can come later and pick it up.
He made me wait there for almost 1-2 hrs and then realized that i wont pay him what so ever. Also during all this discussion he had my passport which he collected right at the beginning. Finally he allowed me to go. I didnt pay a single dime.

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