• Bribe Fighter
  • 13 years ago

Custom officer asked bribe from me , i resisted

Reported on August 23, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #31602

I was going on yearly vacations from singapore. I was carrying few watches (10 Nos) costing 40 SGD. While passing through Green Channel, the lady office scanned my luggage and stopped me asking about the watches and elctronics material which was not more than 10000 INR. She asked me about watches and I told the price for which I bought it. She started arguing about that and asked me for money to clear that. I refused to do so and asked to pay 100 $ and keep all the watches with her. After a debate I got released. Fortunately other flight landed (from US) carrying more exepnsive items than me and I got rescued from there ....

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