• Bribe Fighter
  • 13 years ago

Departmental corruption in Govt. machinary

Reported on March 18, 2011 from Yamunanagar , Haryana  ι Report #32341

Boss, the corruption story of paying bribe to get your file cleared or to get your sanction letter is a small fish in sea of corruption where large sharks and crocidile are living fearlessly. i mean to say the various departmental corruption going on through outsourcing the govt. work and getting kickbakcs from the contractor. there is no accounting system in the govt. machiinary to check the tenders value of the work being out sourced. the contrct values in the tenders documents are inflated and after compelting the job which is at not more than 50% value, the rest of the money is shared as kick backs and the profits of contractor. even if the audit is made for one or all tenders, the auditors are paid handsome money and the audotor would approve every process right from tender to work execution.
i would request that this campaign should not be only for small bribes being paid by the individuals for personal favour, the voice shulod be raised for the departmental corrputions.

What is your reaction after reading this report?