• Bribe Fighter
  • 10 years ago

I was forced to pay Road tax for Second time for my Scooter Reg…

Reported on June 5, 2014 from Tiruchirapalli , Kerala  ι Report #41294

I was forced to pay Road tax for Second time for my Scooter Reg no. TN81 Z 6284 (Chasis no. ME11GC01BD2099174) when I went for permanent registration....Read more

  • Bribe Fighter
  • 10 years ago

Where there is a will there is a way

Reported on January 31, 2014 from Tiruchirapalli , Kerala  ι Report #39259

I fought against a police officer during my passport verification. The directorate of vigilance and anti corruption, trichy helped me to fight against...Read more