• Bribe Fighter
  • 10 years ago

We were going to our site by private vehicle and police stopped…

Reported on May 21, 2014 from Bongaigaon , Assam  ι Report #41068

We were going to our site by private vehicle and police stopped us at road junction. It seemed like they marked us before and when we went in front of them again they stopped us. They acquired the vehicle papers and told us to leave the vehicle as they need it for election counting progress. Why should we give our vehicle? They told us that they will provide us alternate transport means and got our luggage out of car. And then asked our driver to pay a bribe if we dont want to give our vehicle to them.If we dont want to give it they will not release it as well as will not pay any charges for acquired period. We refused to pay bribe and we were left on road with our luggage. When we asked them to provide alternate vehicle no one listened to us and threatened us that if we dont leave their office they will not release our vehicle for 3 months. I had experienced the same when voting happened and that time too our vehicle was captured for three days. Traffic police did not take any work from our vehicle but harassed us for the same as we did not pay them bribe. We have been given the rights in constitution but nobody exercises them because of illiteracy in law knowledge.

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