• Bribe Hotline
  • 13 years ago

Hey mr. raghu... our problem is nt reely relalte to bribary.. actually v r a grup of students frm class 11 from varanasi. Sir v hav been feeling reely frustated since some time.. seeing d condition of

Reported on May 8, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33758

My first advice is, do not feel frustrated. There are many things that you can do to reduce corruption.

There are three ways in which we can achieve our goal of a corruption free India. First, we must understand the importance of the current public protests and support them, peacefully. In a democracy the strength of numbers always matters. Second, we must have the determination never to pay a bribe in our personal dealings, even if it causes inconvenience, or even loss of time and money. There is no point joining a public protest if after that, we meekly pay bribes when we are asked to. Third, we must understand that a lot of corruption can be reduced by undertaking systemic reform in government processes. This is where ipaidabribe.com works. We look at the reports given by citizens and then on that basis, we suggest reforms to the government. For instance, we have recently given details of how corruption takes place in the registration department and have made some suggestions on how corruption can be cut down.

With respect to finding out when works are going to be taken up and when they are going to end, please file an RTI application to find out these details and then approach the press with the details. Sometimes, shaming the officials can work and they can speed up when they are criticised in public.

What is your reaction after reading this report?