• Bribe Hotline
  • 9 years ago

I built my house in 1992 when the water and sewerage was still under…

Reported on June 10, 2015 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #61857

I built my house in 1992 when the water and sewerage was still under the care of Ideal Homes Society, subsequently it was transferred to BDA and later to BBMP, in 1997 the water and sewerage connection was regularized by BWSSB through a registered plumbing contractor. The house consist of ground, first floor and a small room in the terrace. In May 2014 there were some repair works carried out and during that time the meter reader promptly changed the usage from domestic to partial non-domestic tariff, upon completion of the repair works the bill continued with partial domestic tariff. On inquiry the local area water inspector is asking me to provide documents and charges that I feel is irrelevant and unreasonable.

I like to know the correct procedure for this particular case and what are the charges that I have to pay if any?


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