• Honest Officer
  • 12 years ago

Cleared RAC without hassels

Reported on June 30, 2012 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32811

I have always admired TTEs from Southern Railways, most of them are strict and obey rules. They don't take bribe almost everytime hence I call them honest. Recent incident, even though small, reinforced my believe.

Me and my friend were traveling to Lucknow on a RAC ticket in 3A. With RAC 11 we were pretty sure that it will get confirmed, but my friend was specious that TTE will ask for "money", but I expressed my view as stated earlier. Then TTE came and said, be seated I will see what I can do, I said "please try for non-side seats, as I am tall" and he nodded in agreement and to my friend's surprise TTE came back again after some time and allocated the seats (non-side) and went just-like-that.

My friend was impressed and I was happy to see Southern TTE proving time and again!

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