• Honest Officer
  • 10 years ago

In our area, it is a common tendency for the people to get their…

Reported on June 18, 2014 from Indore , Madhya Pradesh  ι Report #41467

In our area, it is a common tendency for the people to get their work don through agents, specially in the matters of obtaining a license. Infact the influence of agents is really enormous on the govt. officers.
Nevertheless, I applied online, got my appointment and went. I still had to figure out where to get my work done when somebody suggested go talk to Mrs. Puja, an employee in the Indore RTO.
I went to her and she explained me the procedure. Till the time I brought my documents and all, a huge queue had formed outside the office, mostly there were agents who were reserving seats for their clients. Some of them were even roaming inside the office without authority. Just then Mrs. Puja came and strictly asked them to leave the office. When she saw me in the queue, she called me in and said I don't have to wait in a queue as I have an appointment already. She helped me get through all the procedures smoothly and it was all over within minutes.
I paid only Rs.130(online) and got my license, whereas people pay more than Rs. 500 for a task they can so easily carry out by themselves.
I had a bad impression about RTO Office but this lady officer changed my opinion. She was honest and sincere in her job - a rare quality in govt. officials these days.

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