• Honest Officer
  • 13 years ago

Honest and Dishonest RTO in same office - amazing

Reported on August 17, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32958

Bangalore, RTO Office KA-51. Went there for issuance of a Driver license for Light Motor Vehicle. Already possessed a Motor Cycle License which was due to expire in 5 days.
By law, if you possess a valid license of one category, you are exempt from the test for a Learner's License. You only give the behind the Behind-the-wheel test.
First met an RTO (against the advice of many gathered there who ********** he is corrupt ). I wasn't called in till all the candidates from Motor Training Institutes were done with. They practically walked in and walked out.
At my turn, the RTO asked me to open my spectacles, step back 10 feet and read from a wall hanging poster. I said, I cannot and I am wearing prescribed correctional specs. This is allowed per law. He kept quiet. Then he started asking verbal test quetions. I told him by law I am exempt. At this point he marked FAIL on the sheet and walked away.
The next day I went and met the other RTO. A very amiable ********** gentleman, he walked me through the process, advised me on renewing my M/C license and issued me the Learner's License.
A month later I approached him for the Behind-the-wheel test. Other officers unnecessarily delayed taking the test. On being informed again of teh delay, he walked with me to the gate, had an officer take the test and issued the license. I collected the License Card a week later.
Never paid a rupee in the whole transaction.

I'm told he is considered one of teh rarest of honest officers in the RTOs. I cannot take his name, but for the readers to help identify him, he is **********, bearded and a perfect gentleman.

BTW, he even apologised for having lunch in front of me when I apprached him the first time at lunch hour !! Go figure.

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