• Honest Officer
  • 9 years ago

Honest govt. officers do exist

Reported on September 10, 2015 from Hyderabad , Telangana  ι Report #65169

Date: 10-6-2015
Venue: Hyderabad Railway station
We, group of students , arrived in Hyderabad by railway to attend the conference.It was the first time we visited the city Hence we were taking photos as soon as we step out of train.But one cop came and said its illegal and you have to pay fine( without receipt) But we were fortunate enough so that another officer came and he apologized for everything and allowed us to go.Once we came out , another problem was standing right in front of us- The Autowalas. As expected , they were asking for Rs.500 for just 4 km ( without meters) many of them were without meters and even without licenses.Again we found ourselves lucky that another traffic police came.He asked about our problem and fined all those autos those were without meters.meanwhile all the autos were trying to escape from there.Then he called an auto instructed him strictly to charge us only Rs.80 and allowed us to go. Hence there will be always two kinds f people in this country.

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