• Honest Officer
  • 7 years ago

Telengana Police

Reported on December 10, 2017 from Secunderabad , Telangana  ι Report #172235

We are senior citizens of advanced age and live in Secunderabad in Telengana. I had noticed that some miscreants mostly children of 12 + year olds, were making bonfires in front of my house , just to annoy me. We are highly allergic to smoke. On two occasions, I advised the children, to put out the fires, telling them it would harm them too. They did not listen.
I made a complaint immediately on Telengana Police App: Hawk Eye.on 7th December 2017 at about 08.30 Pm. The response from the police was almost immediate. A constables and another policeman appeared on the scene in a few minutes and made inquiries in the neighborhood about these miscreants, who by then disappeared. They put out the fire and promised to send their patrols everyday. They did not accept anything from me including a cup of tea which I offered out of courtesy.
The miscreants , who used to frequent our area almost daily did not show up again. These are Constable Ganganna, and policemen Shiv from West Maredpally, Secunderabad Police station.
The Telengana Police are diong commendable job through their App: Hawk Eye.

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