• Honest Officer
  • 10 years ago

Withstood corrupting the RTO

Reported on July 31, 2014 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #42487

I was in a Central Govt. service. Hence transfers were common. I have two instances to report.
1. It was in 1970. I was transferred from Varangaon, Maharashtra to Bangalore. I had brought my scooter along. The RTO refused to accept the annual fee as I had not brought the transfer certificate. But i insisted the RTO to help me get the transfer cert. as I had to go to Jalgaon, Maharashtra who had control over Varangaon. I tried to meet the RTO also a few times, but did not succeed to influence him! He said either i had to get the work done myself or else ... through the umpteen no. of middlemen who were pleased to help me!
I had to wait for 18 months when a good Samaritan came there & (I have forgotten the name) who levied certain fees and settled the issue.
2. When I retired from service in 1997, I brought my scooter along from Medak, Andhra Pradesh to Bangalore. The same above story repeated when I was asked to produce transfers from B'lore to Chennai to Kolkata To Andhra Pradesh to Karanataka where i got tansferred & had paid annual fees at those places. I expressed my inability to get the work done, but requested for any reasonable penalty and to regularise the transaction. it was after nearly two years that I met one Mr. Nagaraj, ARTO who heard my story and gave me a handful of applications for filling up. He levied a very reasonable fee and brought the transaction to close.
The moral of the story is that there are ways and means to get solutions. one has to be patient & tactful to get it the right way, without bribing. The Govts. do have some sincere & understanding officers. We only should have our luck to get to them!

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