• I Paid A Bribe
  • 11 years ago

Ahmedabad Traffic police is CORRUPT and extorts money

Reported on March 16, 2013 from Ahmedabad , Gujarat  ι Report #34304

While driving through Ahmedabad from Delhi in a Delhi registered car, i was stopped by Ahmedabad police for not having a yellow sticker pasted on my headlight. Ignorent of any such silly rule, I protested that I being a tourist with a self driven Delhi car it should not be applicable on me. My driving license was taken away before any conversation started and I was told to come to court after 3 days. As a tourist visiting Gujarat, this was pure harassment and extortion. Police demanded Rs 500 to return licence, finally agreeing on Rs 200. Ahmedabad police has a silly rule through which they harass tourists and extort money. Incredible Gujarat!

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