• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Bangalore - Need to pay bride for paying even Govt taxes...

Reported on March 6, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #27534

I paid bride for almost all the departments as I made a house there. I saw first time in India that for paying Govt taxes, they asked for Bribe. Once I gone for paying house taxes, it was 1200 RS and I given 2000 as I was not having change. They didn't give anything back. I was asking for my 800 Rs, then one peon came and said. FORGET it...

Once I went to madiwala police station to report a crime, I end-up by paying bribes from security who stands outside. I am from Kerala, there govt officials don't accept bride openly, if accepts also, they are doing something in favour to you, BUT in Bangalore to get common justice, I paid 2000 Rs bribe in that Madiwala police station...Inspector is very open to ask for his share, he asked me 500 Rs and came to my house for writing FIR, he realised that I am paying rent 7000 Rs for a small house (another bad part in Bangalor - Greedy landlords), then inspector increased his rate to 1000.

IT people spolied Govt officials as they used to pay bribe for everything because they doesn't have time to deal with these people and they are getting much more than they deserve....I am an IT proffessional working in *******

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