• I Paid A Bribe
  • 12 years ago

Cant we celebrate friend's bday sensibly without paying a Bribe?

Reported on October 25, 2012 from Ahmedabad , Gujarat  ι Report #32749

Just finished wishing a friend at 12 midnight and painting him with cake, we a group of 5, sat on the parking space of a complex. A couple of police came there and asked the reason for sitting. CANT WE SIT RIGHT IN A FREE DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY? We normally discussed the matters and said we were on way back home. Just then they started abusing and levying charges as we were there for illegal activities. Their main motto was to clear our wallets into theirs so they threatened us on our careers as well as creating a havoc with illegal charges. We tried hard not paying a bribe but in order to save our ********** and be away from legal issues as they had support of a political party too, we had to pay a bribe of hefty 1000 INR. WITHOUT NO REASON WE HAD TO PAY A BRIBE. The democracy is ***** off its own freedom in these times and cities like Ahmedabad.

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