• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

CBDT - a partner in promoting bribes ?

Reported on May 14, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #8588

This Crooked officer kept on pestering for bribe to settle scrutiny case . though there was nothing wrong with the case I belive stupidity of CBDT in framing rules for Scrutiny causes lot of hardship. Anybody investing Rs 2 lacs in MF , or shares or Credit card spend etc is suspect in eyes of CBDT. That CBDT isw either stupid or partener in corruption is not kniown to us. anyway, this guy finally the bloodsucker taht he is did take his pound of flesh. He has been now promoted to tribunal where he will have even better scope for greed. THis guy hjas maanged to styart a bank and he is perhaps chairman. A nice way to channel his illgotten wealth from black to white.I woudl think taht more than officer it is CBDT which puts so much power in hand of a revenue bureaucrook and amkes rules to facilitate earning by stealth. It vis difficult to believe taht after 63 uyears of independence nad bribing, CBDT officials are not aware of unchecked powers of IT officers so one has to presume taht CBDT is in collusion to frame such rules.Their best defence for saving face is to say they have been utterly incpompetent !Why CBDT does not ask the vigilance to check wealth of their own officers ?

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