• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Cycle path violation

Reported on March 18, 2011 from Pune , Maharashtra  ι Report #25839

On the Pune-Sholapur road there are cycle tracks which have the space of accomodating a car easily and even with those track most of the cyclists run on the main road instead of the dedicated track. i saw every day with frustation that i'm following rule and runnning on the road while there are motorcyclists and autos that move onto that road and move ahead and there was no one to stop them. Once i was quite late for office and i took that road and unfortunatly that very day there was this Cop standing at the end of the track road. Caught. since i was in a hurry as it is i request him to leave me and he said "give me Rs.100/- and go". So i did.

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