• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

"Do you know or do I have to tell you?"

Reported on June 6, 2011 from Pune , Maharashtra  ι Report #8332

After submitting my application for a passport and visiting the police station for verification, the official mechanically asked a few questions, filed my papers and led me outside the police station.

I had an idea what was coming, but pretended to be unaware. We finally left the police station compound, and the official told me in Marathi, "Now, do you know or do I have to tell you?"

I was young, desperate for my passport and eager to finish things off painlessly. I quietly paid him Rs. 100 and he gave me an approving nod.

It seems that this amount ensured a smooth approval of my application and although I had to make a couple of visits to the passport office, I received my passport in the beginning of August 2007 without paying any more bribes.

A similar incident today would have resulted in me filing a complaint against the official and going public about it.

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